More than 2,000 students from various primary and secondary schools in Cagliari took part in the meeting organized by the association " Sardinia towards Unesco " and strongly desired by the Municipality of Cagliari.

At the disposal of the students two archaeologists who spoke about the Nuragic and pre-Nuragic history of Sardinia.

«I think it is very important to know where we come from and what our history is - said the councilor for public education of the municipality of Cagliari, Marina Adamo -. It is unthinkable not to delve into the history of our deepest roots . I hope that the boys and girls who have had the opportunity to be here today can treasure it, becoming the spokespersons and future actors in the development of our beloved island".

Many curiosities of the young people who lined up to ask questions and learn more about their ancestors.

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