In Palazzo Chigi, seat of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in the heart of Rome, there is an office that no one knows. The acronym is almost a government program: Dica, or Department for Administrative Coordination. His mission is hidden, groped to make order where there is disorder. At the head of this sort of traffic policeman on the crazed roundabout of state offices is an unnamed gentleman who calls himself the "Sole Representative of state administrations". His task should be to make a synthesis, a single voice in the state turmoil, where every office does what goes through the antechamber of the brain, even to grant a concession for millions of square meters of water in the open sea.

Mister Sole

On 23 June last, Mr. "Sole Representative", from the office in Piazza Colonna in Rome, appeared on the scene in Piazza Deffenu, close to the Ichnusa Pier, seat of the Port Authority of Cagliari, delegated by the Ministry of Infrastructures and (plural ) Sustainable mobility to deliver the Sardinian sea to a real "heap" of cyclopean wind turbines to be placed in the middle of the Golfo degli Angeli and its surroundings. The protocol of the state letter is marked in code: DICA-0017452. The tenor of the note is, according to the internal acts of the state offices, that of those who express "doubts" about what the Port Authority and, therefore, the Ministry of Giovannini, Enrico, are doing, that of statistics, on the subject of the concessions of portions whole sea to the insatiable multinationals of the wind. They will never say it, but in that note there is a total disavowal of the work of the Ministry of Infrastructures, which was ridiculed by a communication that "expressed perplexity about the correctness of the administrative procedure followed" in the practices of maritime state property concession . The formula adopted by the Port Authority to summarize the position of the "Mr. Sole Representative of the State" is sweetened beyond belief, but in the act by which the procedure for assigning concessions at sea for the wind assault on the coast of Teulada is suspended and surroundings, proposed by the Swiss company Repower Renewable, there is much more than a "perplexity". The substance, translated by the bureaucratese, is that of a real, very hard and unprecedented clash between offices and state bodies. In the midst of this clash, a mixture of power contention and confusion, there is the state office in Piazza Deffenu, the Port Authority of Cagliari, placed in the middle of a tri-front state, on the one hand the Ministry of Infrastructure, on the other the Ministry of Defense, on which the Commanding officers depend, and now even the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The object of the dispute is the first wind assault project to be positioned right in front of the Delta Peninsula, in the Teulada military polygon. A state and NATO enclave where, from 2008 to 2016, 860,000 training rounds were exploded, with 11,875 missiles, equal to 556 tons of war material. There in front, just nine miles from the blockade imposed on the sea for exercises, the Swiss company Repower wanted to place 33 cyclopean blades ready to soar towards an altitude of 300 meters in the middle of the sea. The practice of the Swiss gentlemen residing in the city of gondolas was the first in chronological order to be examined by the offices in Piazza Deffenu.

Wind examination canceled

On 18 July, all the interested parties should have presented themselves in the “Examination room for nautical licenses”. On the agenda of the meeting, in fact, there was the simultaneous and synchronous service conference, for the examination of the request for a state-owned maritime concession for a stretch of water of ninety million square meters. Ninety million is not a mistake, it is exactly the space at sea that these gentlemen from Zurich and its surroundings would like to occupy in the Sardinian sea, to be more precise 89 million and 496 thousand square meters in front of Teulada and 559 thousand in front of Sarroch. Everything seemed to go smoothly in the plans of the wind lords. The assault - piled up in the south-western sea of Sardinia, however, was as violent as it was disordered, the son of a hidden craving for state incentives ready to be bestowed by the resigning duo, Draghi-Cingolani, for the full enjoyment of international financial funds and the touts of wind and free money. The operation assault on Sardinia, however, had not dealt with the reaction of the municipalities of the coastal territories, all lined up, no ifs and buts, against the wind invasion of the Sardinian sea. The assault, driven by international speculations and by the lifeblood of the incentives promised by the Minister of Transition with blades, crashed, however, at the first useful appointment to decide on the wind concessions at sea, on the amateurism of the government of the "Best". An opponent of the outgoing Draghi government does not say that the ecological transition is more a boarding than a serious and credible strategy, but none other than the Presidency of the Council of Ministers supports it.

«Perplexity» docet

Those "perplexities" put in black and white in the communication sent by Mr. "Sole Representative of the State administrations" have sent on a rampage, held back by the white uniform worn by the Commander, the offices of the Port Authority of Cagliari. In taking note of the procedural "reprimand" of Draghi's coordination offices, the commander himself took pen and paper and on 15 June wrote to the ministry on which he depends, that of Infrastructure.

It is not clear

The formula is that of the question, the substance is more explicit: tell me what to do, because here we no longer understand anything. The formula is Anglo-Saxon: «With note prot. no. 26514 of 15/06/2022, this Port Authority has made a formal question to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, asking that the appropriate and urgent provisions be given for the continuation of the delegated administrative procedures concerning the issue of maritime state-owned concessions for the construction of off-shore wind farms, following the observations made by the single representative of state administrations established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, who expressed doubts about the correctness of the administrative procedure followed ". The suspension of the entire procedure for the services conference is not a coincidence. The apostille in the acts of July 14 last is emblematic: "Up to today, no indication has been received from the superior Ministry on the question posed". As if to say in Cagliari you are groping in the dark, in Rome, however, the government is in the ball. This stop to the practice of the Swiss Repower Renewable, the project, in theory, the most external to the Sardinian coast, however, overwhelms the entire wind invasion on the Sardinian sea, from south to north of the island. It is evident, in fact, that the findings that led to the blocking of the conference of services do not concern only a project but the entire confusional architecture put in place by the lords of the wind and their supporters. A sudden and unexpected stop that betrays the "colonizing" and invasive spirit with which the Draghi government attempted to impose this violent assault on the Sardinian sea. A good 13 offshore projects remain at stake, for a total of 682 blades, with an energy power, according to the lords of the wind, capable of satisfying the needs of almost 13 million users. The procedures followed by the Sardinian Capitanerie are substantially the same, from the Ichnusa Pier to that of the White Island of Olbia, up to that of Porto Torres.

Confusional state

It is clear that the "confusion" on the procedures adopted so far, written down in black and white by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, will necessarily apply to all the files presented in Sardinia. For the moment, the stop to the wind invasion in the Sardinian seas is a first result. The lords of the wind, however, will not stop. And in the minutes of the Capitanerie there are also the first names and surnames of those in favor and against the invasion of the Sardinian sea. To explain who they are, however, you need photographs and motivations. But this is another episode.


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