Twenty-four hours after the revocation of the delegations, Christian Solinas still hasn't named the new team . At this point, he could do it tomorrow morning as well.

The president would be ready, emerges from indiscretions, and the stalemate is caused by internal party discussions related to the need to indicate women's names to ensure gender balance in the Giunta.

At the moment, the only certain fact is that the League will emerge resized by the reshuffle: Mario Nieddu will in fact have to leave the leadership of Health, perhaps to Carlo Doria (Psd'Az) . However, the Carroccio will have two mandates: Agriculture with Valeria Satta (who is leaving General Affairs); public works or education with the group leader in the regional council Pierluigi Saiu .

Gianni Chessa (Tourism), Gabriella Murgia (Agriculture) are also about to leave the team. Among the almost certain new entries: the former dg of the Environment Andreina Farris at Work .

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