The amendment to the Milleproroghe decree presented by Forza Italia senator and Lazio president Claudio Lotito and targeted by Colle would extend the "current" contracts for sports TV rights from the 3 years envisaged by the Melandri Law to 5 years.

In addition to Lotito, the text, which was approved by the commission, was signed by Adriano Paroli, Mario Occhiuto, Roberto Rosso, Francesco Silvestro and Daniela Ternullo, all Azzurri exponents.

The measure, in fact, extends the duration of the licensing contracts for the TV rights of professional sports championships by two years under certain conditions : "Where economic reasons exist", it is specified, and "after a market survey aimed at verifying whether other operators can offer better conditions.

The "still ongoing" contracts are with platforms such as Dazn and Sky.

The amendment was approved on February 9, the last day of examination by the Senate Budget and Constitutional Affairs commissions.

The Milleproroghe decree is expected in the Senate on Tuesday, for the first reading, and must be definitively approved in the Chamber by 27 February.

The approval of the amendment on TV rights has aroused controversy in the opposition, which speaks of a "fool". «There's no denying it - commented the deputy of the M5S Gaetano Amato - when it comes to interventions for football Lotito knows how to behave like a thoroughbred center forward and score his beautiful goals. In the Milleproroghe, an amendment was approved to extend the duration of Dazn's TV rights until 2026, despite the protests and discontent of subscribers who complain about continuous disservices, so much so that the company's top management was summoned by the government itself a month ago about".


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