"In a dramatic moment like this, which the League has been denouncing for some time, it is appropriate to intervene effectively: Matteo Salvini's proposal to involve Parliament immediately and obtain a drastic containment of energy costs is good. situation we risk in a very short time a desertification of the productive realities and the consequent loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs ".

This is what Christian Solinas , governor of Sardinia, and the other presidents of the Lega-led regional councils , Massimiliano Fedriga (Friuli Venezia Giulia), Attilio Fontana (Lombardy), Maurizio Fugatti (Trentino Alto Adige), Donatella Tesei (Umbria) argue in a note. ) and Luca Zaia (Veneto).

At the note of the Northern League governors, the replicas of the center left arrived closely. "Crocodile tears those of the Northern League governors accomplices of Salvini who brought down the government, but worst of all is Solinas", says the president of the Labor Commission of the Chamber Romina Mura (Pd). He adds: “In three years, the president of Sardinia did one thing for energy policies: he challenged the energy decree rather than helping to build it , as many had asked for. Today we ask him and his colleagues to drop the chatter and support our concrete requests: a free layoff for energy-intensive companies that introduces the ban on dismissal as a conditionality, as it was done with the Covid fund. We make workers safe ”.

“The energy crisis and the subsequent price increases - adds the dem parliamentarian - in Sardinia have the effect of a tsunami that threatens to destroy what little remains of our industrial system. The Government must issue the Energy Release implementing decrees as soon as possible and extend all the active measures that will be made operational for the industries that use natural gas to Sardinian energy-consuming companies ”.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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