The regional councilor for transport, Antonio Moro, asked the prefects of Cagliari and Sassari for a meeting to "identify a shared route" on maritime connections in territorial continuity between Sardinia and the islands of La Maddalena and San Pietro.

A request that follows the tender for the assignment of the service, managed by Delcomar under an extension regime until next March 31st, which has once again been deserted.

«The full-blown and continuing market failure – writes councilor Moro – affects the essential service of maritime transport and risks negatively affecting the constitutionally guaranteed right to mobility and connectivity , first of all of the residents of the smaller Sardinian islands, and in general on the economic and social fabric of these islands".

Therefore, "it is necessary to avoid the interruption of these services , which would also have inevitable repercussions on public order and safety", concludes the exponent of the Giunta Solinas.


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