The Government withdraws the first paragraph of article 434 bis of the Criminal Code reform . It is a very serious mistake. Raves have nothing to do with such a norm. It is the freedom of citizens that is thus called into question ”.

The secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta wrote it on Twitter, commenting on the decision of the executive led by Giorgia Meloni to crack down on illegal rallies from which "a danger to public order or public safety or health may arise. publishes ", providing, for those responsible, imprisonment from 3 to 6 years and fines from 1,000 to 10,000 euros .

In the event of a conviction, moreover, "the confiscation of the things that served or were intended to commit the crime and of those used to achieve the purposes of the occupation is always ordered".

Yesterday, again from the opposition, the thrust of the leader of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte arrived: "Actions aimed at greater prevention and contrast of illegality are welcome, but in the same way we expect a word from the owner of the Interior Ministry and the Government clear on the parade of the two thousand black shirts of Predappio , where fascist anthems and outstretched arms highlighted, if needed, the faint border line that divides 'nostalgia' from 'apologia' ", the words of the pentastellato president.

(Unioneonline / lf)

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