Seven offers for the Sassari New Year but still no names.

The artists nominated to perform on December 31st in Piazza d'Italia to make up for last year's failure, with the formula of group dances located in various squares, remain shrouded in secrecy.

The Councilor for Culture Laura Useri, yesterday in the Fifth Commission, limited herself to informing on the 30 overall proposals received by the administration for the Christmas period including installations, events and New Year's Eve. 248 thousand euros is the amount allocated by the Municipality.

«However, we hope - states the pentastellata - to be able to take advantage of part of the million and a half financed by the Sardinia Region for the island's New Year's Eve».

All local companies were present, qualified and renowned, who responded to the municipal expression of interest defined by Useri as "highly democratic, which showed trust and openness towards those who work on the market".

Meanwhile, despite the silence, some names have emerged among the candidates for next New Year's Eve, such as Carmen Consoli and Marina Rei, Achille Lauro and Sangiovanni, Chemical Brothers, Boomdabash and Malika Ayane. In the next few days, the councilor promises, once the offices' work on the comparative sheets has been completed, the council will meet to decide.

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