“Ispassizende in Tàtari”. In Sassari a group walk in Sardinian language to tell about the monuments and places of the historic center of Turriano. The idea, put in place today, comes from the students of the Sardinian language course organized by the “Sa Domo de Totus” association, active in the Sant'Apollinare district (in the historic center) with various cultural and mutual aid projects.

"We wanted to do something for the city - explains teacher Elena Casu -. Communicate to our community that Sardinian is a living language. This is demonstrated by the students who today tell about Sassari using Sardinian, while until a few months they did not have the necessary skills to to do it". Cristiano Sabino, history teacher and founding member of the association, says instead "that Sassari has always been a multilingual city. The fundamental laws of our town in medieval times were written in Latin and Sardinian, but here Genoese and Corsicans were at home. . Sassarese is born precisely from this ".

At the call launched by the students of "limba", many flocked, on a day not exactly spring ". The name of the event" Ispassizende in Tàtari "means" to walk and have fun. "The most important stops are those notoriously obligatory: Santu Nigola, that is the most important church for the Sassari people, the bust of Giovanni Maria Angioy erected for the bicentenary of the arrival in Sassari of the Bonese revolutionary, the splendid Casa Montanyans (better known as the Catalan house or Casa Guarino), the Palazzo di Città, the Palazzo of Usini, the old medieval walls with their centuries-old grandeur, and the Funtana di Roseddu.This last monument, the symbol of the city of Sassari, often closed to the public, was extraordinarily open for the day of the Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI). A nice coincidence for an initiative that wanted to enhance the tangible and intangible heritage of the territory.

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