The Sardinia sickness does not abandon him, it is a constant in his new life in Warsaw, and from Poland he looks at Cagliari with nostalgia. Simone Onnis, 29 years old, after graduating in Law with top marks and mention, with a thesis on anti-money laundering, left the island. Grudgingly.

During his academic years he collaborated with the CISL, he was the national spokesperson for the under 30s, and already during the conferences he had given voice to the problem of the impoverishment of the State with respect to human capital: «Why do they ask us to change our country but we cannot change it if they don't allow us to stay."

Thanks to a scholarship he followed a project in Sydney, Australia. «An opportunity thanks to which I "put myself in the spotlight" and received job offers from various banks abroad despite the issues of tax evasion and anti-money laundering being very important in Italy. We think that every year we reach 90 billion euros. And money laundering is inherent in criminal organizations, an important social plague in our country. However, I didn't have the opportunity to develop my skills." And so he agreed to move to Warsaw, to one of the most important banks in the world, JP Morgan, to do a job that he really loves, the anti-money laundering inspector.

No possibility in Italy?

«They offered me 3 or 4 month contracts, without the possibility of continuing. Here in Warsaw I have had a permanent contract from day one. But I persist in staying here because my goal is to return."

In short, she is a brain on the run.

«Not a beautiful expression but it gives a good idea. We Italians are highly appreciated abroad for the passion and creativity that everyone recognizes in us. And instead our country not only does not know how to offer us opportunities, but actually turns its back on us, an example of this is the government's draft decree."

What is it about?

«Until now there was a preferential tax regime for those who decided to return, but now - according to the forecasts - there will be a significant cut. For the series: have you emigrated? It will no longer be convenient for you to return."

What will Italy lose?

«All its young people who had to leave to have career opportunities, often with high caliber profiles who find themselves forced to spend money abroad. A real contradiction. A wealth that we give to other states, also from a fiscal point of view. Italy has borne costs for our studies, and others are the ones who benefit from them. A vanished human capital."

What could be done?

«Italy is the second country with the highest number of NEETs, i.e. young people who do not study, do not work, do not train. This means that a problem exists. The government, by implementing policies that allow many of us emigrants to return, would be able to counter this fact but, in fact, we are helplessly witnessing self-harming and masochistic behavior. And we suffer for it."

Will you stay in Warsaw?

«I receive proposals from Edinburgh, from Singapore, to name a few. But staying in Poland means for me being closer to Sardinia, even if every time they are journeys made up of endless stopovers lasting hours and hours."

Is it a question of principle?

«Also but not only. I don't think it's a crime to want to spend my CV in my country, and there's also another thing to say: life is about priorities. We have studied and made many sacrifices, now we want to achieve it. But I don't intend to work 350 days a year to live 15 happy days in my land. What matters, especially now that we are young, is having the right balance between family, work and social relationships."

Speaking of which, how are the days in Warsaw?

«I work office hours, otherwise little or nothing. Here, I'll give you an example, there is no aperitif culture, the cold temperatures don't invite you to be outdoors, there have been some snowfalls in recent days. I call the sky, grey, “single colour”. Even in the summer I didn't even realize it was that season, and the lack of the sea pushed me, on a weekend, to go to the Baltic Sea, the closest one, just to see the body of water."

Simone Onnis il giorno della laurea (foto concessa)

What professional opportunities could you have in Italy?

«Banks, multinationals, public administrations, supervisory bodies. Against my best interests, I continue to reside in Sardinia, this would allow me to participate in public competitions which, unfortunately, are not announced."

Did you learn Polish?

«I try, it's a complex language, it's a way to make time functional and occupy my mind. But I repeat: I don't intend to stay here forever."

In addition to this "barrier", are there any other differences that you have detected?

«There is little social life, after all they are people who are almost new to democracy, in the former USSR having fun was, so to speak, forbidden and even today there is a bit of suspicion. We Italians perhaps strike up a casual conversation at a bus stop, here there is a great sense of mistrust."

However, the work is there...

«Demand exceeds supply. Young people arrive from all over the world, they can fulfill themselves and have a career with salaries commensurate with the rest of Europe. Previously there was a large immigration of Poles to Italy, especially in the personal services sector, now it is the opposite. They are the new professionals in the world of finance and technology who come here."

Yet she wants to leave.

«Every night I go to bed knowing that I would like to wake up the next day in Cagliari. Maybe it's difficult to explain."

Sardinia sickness?

«Let's call it that. In Warsaw the air and the sky seem different to me. Let's not talk about the flavors. Instead, when I return to Cagliari I keep a perpetually smiling, almost dazed expression. I see everything with different eyes even though I have always loved my city even when I lived there."

Isn't there a risk of idealizing it?

«I have worked in London, Sydney, I have seen many other places, but Cagliari remains the most beautiful. Obviously if I returned without a job it would be different."

So when he arrives is he happy, and when does he leave?

«I love traveling but when the destination is returning to Warsaw I leave a piece of my heart. My family - parents and two brothers -, my girlfriend. A sense of sadness surrounds me because I know that I am moving away from where I belong. I'm Sardinian, I should stay in my land."

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