Brocade, leather, antique handkerchiefs, corsets. Elements of traditional Sardinian clothes that walked the catwalks in Rome on the occasion of “The Clash”, the AltaRoma fashion show, the Capital's Fashion Week, thanks to the creativity of Alberto Maoddi, a Sardinian student of the Academy of Luxury. One of the emerging talents chosen by a commission.

Class 2002, born in Cagliari and lived in Nuragus , the designer was selected to present his models, a real “capsule” made up of 5 outfits, two for women and three for men, inspired by the so-called Metaverse.

A passion, that of fashion, which he has always had. And the studies were consistent with the idea he had as a child, that of creating and creating . Last year he graduated from the artistic high school of Cagliari in industrial design and then decided to go to Rome to become a fashion designer: "Basically the person who prepares the collection for the fashion houses, chooses the materials, expresses the his creativity and the starting point of the garments ”, he explains to L'Unione Sarda.

The first experiences?

“As a kid I started designing dresses for the Latin American dance school I attended, decorated and embellished to make them unique”.

“The Clash” was the title of the Rome fashion show, what does it mean?

“The clash between tangible reality and that of innovation. I chose the one from the past of the Sardinian tradition that tells about me, my land, my origins, introducing new shapes, combining industrial yarn fabrics with artisanal ones ".

Una delle creazioni di Alberto Maoddi (foto Dlyonline, concessa)

What are the characteristics of your creations?

"I introduced the use of the pleated skirt for men, brocade, then a sweatshirt inspired by the clothes of northern Sardinia, with red reminiscent of the traditional garments of that area, fringes to remember handkerchiefs and scarves, and I have a slightly revolutionized the idea of the Sardinian costume bodice, in a corset version ".

Uno dei bottoni in filigrana sarda (foto concessa)


“The filigree buttons, also these Sardinians”.

What inspired you?

“To the desire to link tradition to modernity, to give a new face to what recalls the ancient. It would be interesting to be able to relaunch our immense heritage, we have a history that goes beyond the sea, after all we are at the center of the Mediterranean, we have been influenced by the cultures of many peoples. And for example, it was great that they assigned me a black model. I hate racism and it was a way to reiterate it ”.

Il gonnellino creato da Alberto Maoddi (foto Dlyonline concessa)

The man with the skirt, a taboo to dispel?

“Yes, I wanted to create something we are not used to seeing. I know very well that 'getting your hands' on traditional Sardinian clothes is a great risk, criticism is around the corner, but above all my fellow countrymen have paid me many compliments ”.

What do you usually draw? Does he have a personal style?

“In two words minimalist, yet exclusive, I like the decorations but without exaggerating. I was very influenced by the culture of the nineties, even if I was not yet born, and I am fascinated by the genre of low-waisted trousers, low-cut tops, denim, and pastel fluorescent colors ”.

She designs but does not manufacture, in short, she is a stylist.

“For now, yes. This is why my grandmother was indispensable for the show ”.

What role did your grandmother play?

“Grandma Eliana, very young 71, made the garments. But I also have to thank other people who helped me to bring my creations to the catwalk: a tailor who has a workshop in Oristano, the artisans who took care of the accessories, in Nurallao, the model maker who made women's clothes, Monica Tudor, and Stefano Gambini who took care of the eyelets of the dresses ”.

La sfilata a Roma (foto Dlyonline, concessa)

What can't be missing in summer 2022 fashion?

“The one-piece swimsuit combined with skirts or trousers, used as an item of clothing and not just for the sea”.

What does he say "no" to?

“To the Texan model boots and those famous rubber clogs, unwatchable”.

Are there already autumn trends?

"For now, the fashion shows have been few, I would propose cropped down jackets, therefore short, combined with trousers to create a set".

Who are the fashion icons for you?

“Forever Gianni and Donatella Versace. Lately I have been following Gilda Ambrosio and Giorgia Tordini who have created their own brand ".

So how would you like to do it?

“Certainly, with a target aged 18 to 35-40, both luxury and inexpensive garments. Even with outfits for only 50 euros. I come from an unpretentious family, I know the value of money well, for example I never spend big bucks on clothing ”.

Will you become a stylist when you grow up?

“Yes, I know what I want to do, I'm still building the way to get there”.

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