The promoting committee for the recognition of the Igp protection brand of the Sardinian suckling pig was born. An objective that aims to enhance and protect the peculiarities of this typical product with the yellow-blue geographical indication sticker.

A path initiated by Coldiretti Sardegna which has united the supply chain «to refine the specification and lay solid foundations to give greater protection to the Sardinian suckling pig - underlines Battista Cualbu , president of Coldiretti Sardegna - and to prevent pigs reared outside the island from being mistaken for Sardinians ».

To date, there are three Sardinian IGP products: Sardinian lamb, culurgionis d'Ogliastra and recently also the sebadas of Sardinia have obtained the stamp.

The committee was set up in Macomer , the president is Giorgio Demurtas , the deputy Chiara Francesca Manca , the first objective being the creation of the consortium.

"There is great satisfaction for the farmers who, now, trust that politics will soon give the official go-ahead to set it up", adds Cualbu. The specification states that the PGI suckling pig must be born and raised in Sardinia. Three weight ranges: dairy, between 5 and 10 kilos, light 10/15 kg and suckling pig of 15 and 25 kg.

" This project was created to protect and support pig farming on the island and the supply chain of breeders and slaughterers who intend to enhance the entire sector and not one breed in particular," explains Demurtas, also president of Coldiretti Cagliari. «The idea – he continues – was born several years ago precisely to strengthen a sector that is emerging from years of blockage due to the embargo due to the African swine fever. Protecting suckling pig means protecting a large part of the farmers' economy, but above all, it will allow a better distinctiveness of the product to be sure that the suckling pig is recognizable on the shelf».

« A guarantee for us breeders, but also for slaughterers and, last but not least, consumers who will know what to consume and which to choose consciously », the conclusion.


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