"The Region doesn't let anyone take the bait, this must be clear." When it comes to Sardinian airports and the disputed merger project, the Transport Councilor Antonio Moro abandons the moderate register for a moment and presses on the accelerator: «Many have now expressed their opinions: the latest negative opinion is from the Court of accounts, and follows those of Enac, the anti-corruption authority and the court. Everyone certifies that the plan is not in line with the rules."

Why is the Region against the airport holding company made up of F2i and the Cagliari Chamber of Commerce?

«You cannot give the access keys to the island to a large private monopoly entity, which has the legitimate objective of maximizing profits, but not the increase in passenger traffic and the development of Sardinia».

Yet the Chamber of Commerce wants to move forward, despite the challenges of the Court of Auditors.

«It is not up to me to reiterate the authority of the opinion. If anything, it is up to those who requested that judgment to take note of it and understand that the project must stop."

Are there interests that go beyond the creation of a single airport network?

«The private entities involved in the operation could let it be understood, the way in which they persist in carrying forward a plan that has seen so many negative pronouncements confirms it. But I can already say that the Region will defend its reasons at every opportunity."

The Government's cap on airfares has fallen and there is a risk of further price increases.

«The fear is well founded and we will do everything to ensure that this can be averted. It is clear that the Region, faced with European rules that limit the scope of action on tickets for non-resident passengers, has few weapons, other than those of moral suasion".

But until a few years ago the single tariff was in force with the approval of the EU .

«Yes, then the guidelines changed and the island was penalized. It all derives from particular attention from the directorates general of the European Commission, especially that which deals with Competition, in the aftermath of the announced "airlift" of the Pigliaru Council. The flight frequencies went beyond the concept of minimum service that the EU uses as a parameter. Positions have hardened and the consequence is the current tenders, which do not satisfy us."

After almost five years of center-right he cannot give responsibility to the Pigliaru council.

«I don't assign blame. But I believe that having opened a channel of discussion with the Transport Commissioner is essential to reaffirm the Sardinians' right to mobility."

Is the objective to restore a single tariff?

«When it was applied it proved to be an extraordinarily effective tool. We certainly cannot go from the single tariff to the free one for non-residents, as now. We are working on the next tender. In the meantime we will start with discounts for some categories of passengers."


«The experimental phase will include young residents aged under 27 and those over 65, to whom competitive athletes could be added». Elections are on the horizon, you are also president of the Psd'Az. In recent years, hasn't the party seemed a bit stiff to you?

«The Psd'Az is the government of the island and has paid a very high price, offering its best energies to the cause and dedicating itself to the realization of an ambitious program».

The congress was convened for April, why not earlier? «I vindicate the choice of having safeguarded the unity of the party, preventing a very important event on an internal level, such as the congress, from weakening the Sardinian leadership of the coalition». Will Solinas be the centre-right candidate?

«The Psd'Az is a founding member of the coalition. Membership has a decisive feature: the leadership of the Sardinians. Anyone who may legitimately put forward other proposals must take into account a verification of the perimeter of the alliance."

Do you mean to say that without Solinas' confirmation you will leave the coalition?

"No. But it is normal that an agreement different from that of the previous elections will have to be evaluated by the Psd'Az bodies." Are you willing to show up to vote alone?

«Those who are Sardinians cannot be afraid to race with the Quattro Moors, given our history and the values that we have been able to boast for 103 years».

Michele Ruffi

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