Via the waste bins from the areas of Arenosu and Sa Segada , on the outskirts of Alghero .
The Department of the Environment has decided to make a clean sweep of the containers which, in the countryside, often end up becoming open-air dumps due to too many uncivilized people.

After Maristella, San Giuliano, Carrabuffas, Monte Carru, Su Contu, Montagnese, Valverde, Calabona, Sa Londra and Ungias, now it is the turn of these two districts.

Instead of bins , citizens will have itinerant ecological islands at their disposal . "Despite the presence of the cameras and the continuous emptying by the operators, the sites continued to present critical issues due to incorrect transfers, also presumably by commuters from other locations", explains the Councilor for the Environment Andrea Montis. For three days a week there will be the opportunity to deliver their waste to the itinerant islands, with a 60 percent relief on the Tari.

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