From 22 to 24 May 2024, the eighth SISS national conference will take place in the conference room of the San Francesco monumental complex, organized by the Italian Society of Sensory Sciences in collaboration with the Sensory Quality and Product Enhancement service of Agris Sardegna, with the Agriculture department , Food Technologies section of the University of Sassari and with the Alghero technology company Smart Sensory Solutions.

Taste experts, from leading Italian universities and major national agri-food companies, will discuss healthy and sustainable solutions developed specifically for consumers, with the aim of reducing food waste .

We will also talk about food design and interaction between higher education institutions and the world of sensory sciences , illustrating the emerging methodologies of this scientific discipline which is becoming essential for companies that intend to put the consumer at the center of their product offering.

The event will also be an opportunity to introduce participants to the excellence of our territory.

«We could have chosen a turnkey solution» say the local organizers of the conference, but instead «we preferred to take advantage of this opportunity to bring value to all the players in the regional agri-food chain , involving both the small local producer of typical desserts up to the large DOP and PGI protection consortia of our region".

It will be the task of the “E. Hotel Institute”. Lussu” of Alghero to enhance these excellences and make them discover during the lunch and coffee breaks that will be served to the congress participants.

It is the first time that the SISS conference has been organized in Sardinia, demonstrating the growing interest gained in recent years by companies and research centers in this innovative scientific discipline.

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