The new bishop of the Diocese of Tempio Ampurias, Monsignor Roberto Fornaciari, will also be present at the “Don Milani. 100 years after birth: what legacy?”. The event, scheduled for Tuesday 24 October, at 6.30 pm, in the Poupard Hall of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Tempio Pausania, will feature Monsignor Giovanni Paccosi, bishop of the diocese of San Miniato and one of Italy's leading scholars of the priesthood, as speaker. of Barbiana.

An important anniversary, 100 years since the birth of Don Lorenzo Milani, which will be an opportunity to remember his moral, pedagogical and didactic legacy founded on the idea that school should be the place for the development of intelligence in all its forms . His message, which materialized in the Barbiana School, appears extremely current. «In times of educational emergency – the organizers warn – today, more than ever, we feel the need for an open school, a thought that manifests itself with the word “inclusion”, the key principle of all national programs of contemporary schools».

Through this first meeting, the Euromediterranean Institute intends to bring the attention of the entire community to the educational responsibility with which we are invested if we wish to accompany young people in their growth path.

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