It continues to grow and is confirmed as the third largest urban reality in Sardinia (taking the vast area of Cagliari as a reference which also includes Quartu, the third largest municipality on the island by inhabitants) and also the only one that sees its population increase.

The city of Olbia , in contrast to what happens in the rest of the region, in the first two months of 2023 saw its residents rise to 61,095, recording a percentage increase of 0.07%: on January 1, in fact, there were 61,048 residents. The data is processed and disseminated by the study center of Cipnes, the industrial consortium of northern Sardinia and Gallura which worked on the numbers provided by the periodic update of Demo Istat. At the basis of Olbia's demographic increase there is largely the arrival of new residents. In fact, the internal migratory balance recorded +112% and the one with abroad +72%; the natural balance was negative with -68% (new births). It means that more and more people, especially from the towns bordering Olbia, choose the Gallura city to live and work.

In the same period of time Sardinia has, on the other hand, suffered a percentage drop of 0.15%, i.e. in absolute terms the population has gone from 1,575,028 to 1,572,553, with a loss of 2,495 residents. The regional capital, Cagliari, continues to confirm itself as the first city on the island, but has nevertheless suffered a drop in population of 0.09%, settling at 147,976 residents. In second place among the growing cities is Sassari, which however lost 0.13%, reaching 120,855 residents. Third city, but in fact the first Sardinian urban area together with Cagliari, is Quartu: it stands at 68,519 residents, with a loss of 0.09%.

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