Attack on a Mondialpol armored vehicle on the 125 , near Terteni a. The carabinieri of the Jerzu company are on site, the firefighters and the 118 with ambulances and an Areus helicopter are also in action.


According to an initial reconstruction, before going into action the criminals set fire to a pile of tires and blocked the armored car both in front and behind , with two vans probably stolen first. The armed commando then had the security guards get out of the Mondialpol vehicle and, with an explosive device, blew up the rear door from which they would then have stolen the money, but it is not clear whether any cash was removed since the armored vehicle took fire .

In the meantime, the commando fired several gunshots , setting fire to the two trucks used to block the road and the Mondialpol van itself before fleeing.

The criminals also set fire to an articulated lorry and blocked the road with a steel bolt .

Traffic slowdowns were severe, and only in the evening was state road 125 completely reopened . If around 5pm the stretch of the old Orientale, between kilometers 91 and 94, was once again passable in an alternating one-way direction, around 6.30pm the artery was closed again to facilitate the recovery of the vehicles consumed by the flames. Traffic suffered new slowdowns in both directions. The staff of the Lanusei traffic police and the carabinieri of the Jerzu company were on site. But now the circulation is smooth again.

The police, in addition to carrying out investigations at the crime scene, immediately launched a hunt for the robbers throughout Ogliastra.

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