The Diocese of Tempio Ampurias begins the legal battle against a project, already presented in the Region, for the construction of a small wind farm close to the Romanesque church of San Pancrazio.

The ancient place of worship is located in the countryside of Sedini, in the locality of Nursi. It is a church built in the only remaining part of a 12th century fortified monastery. The Cultural Heritage Office of the Diocese of Tempio, led by Don Francesco Tamponi, has already prepared observations on the project as part of the procedure for the release of the Single Regional Provision on environmental matters (PAUR).

According to the Diocese of Gallura and Anglona, the wind farm «appears to be in conflict with the legislation for the protection of cultural heritage provided for by Legislative Decree no. 199/2021, as the Church of San Pancrazio di Sedini, a protected asset with landscape restrictions, is present approximately 300 meters from the wind farm in question, the intervention would therefore fall within an unsuitable area, being included within of the buffer zone (3 km) from the aforementioned historical-artistic asset". The Diocese recalls a sentence of the Campania Regional Administrative Court: «The administration that makes decisions regarding the location and approval of wind farms must consider the urgency and importance of the ecological transition, in balancing interests and respecting the principles of proportionality , between the protection of the cultural and landscape heritage and the protection of the environment".

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