"They closed us down without warning." The protest is growing in via Torre Tonda in Sassari where the one million euro restyling of the street is creating some problems for the merchants. Yesterday the manager of the Nuovo Borgo restaurant reported: «On Friday the workers arrived asking to lower the shutters because they had to do some work». As a result, a day was lost for the pizzeria, dozens of canceled reservations, the loss of expected proceeds, and an inconvenience that also affected the nearby business. "But they assured us at the services conference - continues the entrepreneur - that we would never lose a day".

Necessity dictated by the inevitable limitation of income due to the difficulty in approaching the premises given the barriers and the difficult route. "We have had 40 percent less revenue since construction began." That is, in February, with an intervention that includes, among other things, the completion of the water underground services network and the rainwater collection system.

May 26th is the expected completion date of the redevelopment desired and financed by the Municipality. «However, they hoped to finish by May 12th, the day of the Cavalcade. But if we continue like this we will go further. There are few workers."

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