The one presented by Confartigianato Sardegna in the regional assembly held in the Sassari Chamber of Commerce is a real manifesto.

After a discussion with the 34 thousand Sardinian artisans, 7 key points for the development of the island were identified and presented to the candidates for the Presidency and the Regional Council. The policy will have to guarantee good territorial continuity and create new railway connections between airports, simplify administrative procedures, strengthen ultra-broadband, adopt a regional framework law for crafts, reduce dependence on traditional sources and promote the use of renewable energy, encourage the creation of businesses in small towns.

In Sardinia there are 109,028 thousand active micro-small businesses with less than 50 employees together with active artisan businesses, 99.7% of the total businesses in the area and they employ 254,638 workers, 82% of the total workers (310,479).

Of the micro and small businesses on the island, one in four (25.2%) is artisan.

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