The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security has published the list of areas present in the proposed National Charter of Suitable Areas (Cnai), which identifies the areas where the national radioactive waste repository and the technological park will be built in Italy. There are fifty-one in total. And eight are located in Sardinia: two in the Oristano area and the remaining in the southern area of the island.

The areas are divided as follows: Albagiara, Assolo and Usellus; only Albagiara and Usellus; Mandas and Siurgus Donigala; Segariu and Villamar; Setzu, Tuili, Turri and Ussaramanna; Nurri; Ortacesus; Guasila.

An additional step, that of the ministry, which goes beyond the Charter of potentially suitable areas which was published at least a year ago. Because the procedure for the creation of Italy's radioactive waste bin continues, carried out by Sogin.

The new Charter was drawn up «on the basis of the observations that emerged following the public consultation and the national seminar conducted after the publication of the National Charter of Potentially Suitable Areas (Cnapi), and approved by the National Inspectorate for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection ( Isin)".

The requirements of the identified areas, the Ministry explains, "were judged to be in line with the parameters set by the Isin Technical Guide, which implements the international regulations for this type of structure".

The process is still long: any municipalities left off the list can submit their application in the next thirty days. Those identified in the list can also do so. And you can bet: no one from Sardinia will come forward. All municipalities have voted no to nuclear waste.

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