In office since 3 October, revoked on 24 February: «Roberto Raimondi will cost the Region's coffers around 300 thousand euros». The regional councilor of the M5s Desirè Manca goes on the attack on the appointment, later withdrawn, of the director general of the office of the Management Authority of the Eni CBC Mediterranean Basin Program involved in one of the corruption investigations which also involves the president Christian Solinas ( HERE THE NEWS ).

The exponent of the opposition has read the decree of the Department of General Affairs which implements the resolution to revoke the office signed by the Giunta.

«Raimondi», accuses Manca, «had obtained a rather singular contract and until 2027 he will receive half of the salary for the role held». According to La Manca, "unlike all the other general managers who have been given a three-year contract, yours is for five years, and therefore goes well beyond the duration of the legislature".

According to what was reported in the revocation decree of 25 February last, "the revoked external workers are guaranteed, by way of compensation, half of the contractually due salary for the period between the revocation and the ordinary expiry of the contract".

The pentastellata defines Solinas's choice as "unholy, to appoint a person he trusts and to oust him in a short time. And the Sardinian taxpayers will pay Raimondi's heavy salary, around 5,000 euros a month for another three years. The regional rule», he calculates, «provides that in the case of general managers, they are entitled to the payment of 50 percent of the annual salary until the end of the contract as compensation. Therefore, until October 1, 2027, Raimondi will earn over 60,000 euros gross per year".


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