Sardinia mobilizes, with a maxi procession on Saturday in Cagliari , in defense of public health and in strong opposition to the dismantling of existing hospitals . For the first time, all the committees of the island will take to the streets, united, reaching a long-awaited goal: "We have been working for several years", explains one of the spokesmen, Alessandro Rosa, "to try to unite all the forces engaged in Sardinia and to be able to have a single voice».

All or almost all, because "Giù le mani dall'Ogliastra", one of the first committees to protest the public health crisis, has decided not to participate , not agreeing with the opening of the procession to the mayors: "In January", motivates the Rosas choice, "we sent a proposal to all 377 municipalities in Sardinia for the approval of an agenda in the city council in defense of public health: there have been many administrations that have brought this proposal to the attention of their city council and five mayors will intervene on Saturday to represent everyone ».

The departure of the demonstration at 9.30, in Piazza dei Centomila, with the group that will move up to Piazza Vittime del Moby Prince. A long-felt protest, which was ignited even more with the resolution of June 1 on the establishment of four new hospitals in Sardinia , thus blocking the renovation works in those already present: "An extremely serious act", he explains another spokesman, Francesco Carta, "extremely wrong, which we contest".

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