Bundles of banknotes, mostly of medium denomination: over 4100 of 50 euro, more than 2500 of 10. The rest of 100 and 200, plus some 10 and even 5. Further details emerge on the load of cash transported by a lorry driver, employee of a Sardinian transport company, discovered by the Guardia di Finanza of Treviso at the Preganziol tollbooth ( HERE THE NEWS ).

At the expense of the 58-year-old from Buddusò, who was driving the truck, for the moment there is only one complaint for receiving stolen goods. But his position could get worse, depending on the road that the investigations of the Venetian Fiamme Gialle take, with which those of Olbia are now also collaborating. It is not excluded that the accusation could turn into money laundering or self-laundering. But at the moment no hypotheses can be advanced.

It is necessary to reconstruct the supply chain that led to the collection and to identify the destination of such a huge sum of money, discovered only thanks to the nose of the dogs of the "Escor" canine unit that contributed to the search on the motorway: the money, collected in sealed cellophane bags, they were hidden under the driver's bed, in the cockpit.

The truck had departed from the port of Olbia and, having landed in the Peninsula, according to what emerges, was headed right in the Treviso area. But the journey was interrupted by the Guardia di Finanza.

The military asked for clarification on the origin. The buddusoino lorry driver replied that he had found the parcels on the street and tried to claim that he was unaware of the contents until he reached the checkpoint.

A version that, of course, was deemed unreliable. The driver, however, didn't add anything else and hid behind a stubborn silence. The investigations continue, between Sardinia and Veneto. The money is seized.

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