A compound pain, with the church in via Palestrina in Quartu Sant'Elena that barely managed to contain everyone. The relatives - his wife Rossana, together with their children Pietro and Francesco, the sisters Anna Maria and Luciana, and mother Teresina who prayed at a distance - many friends, local and regional politicians, and his still incredulous patients. Everyone wanted to be present this morning to say goodbye to Tonino Dessì, who died suddenly last Sunday at the age of 63. Long-time municipal councilor, a small interlude as prime minister, at the time with An and in recent years city manager with FdI, and above all historic family doctor in the city.

In the first pews are close relatives, friends and politicians. The party mates, the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu, the deputy of FdI Salvatore Deidda, the councilor Marco Porcu, the regional councilor Fausto Piga, together with the Quartese exponent of the party, Michele Pisano, who for the occasion wore the Mayor's tricolor sash. Alongside the mayor of Quartu Graziano Milia and the Prime Minister Rita Murgioni, all moved in front of the coffin of the political doctor Dessì.

L'uscita del feretro dopo l'omelia (foto Lai)

"Tonino had a very rich life, with many gifts but also many efforts", the words of Don Giulio Madeddu, parish priest of the church dedicated to Santo Stefano, during the homily. «And today's large presence represents all those spaces where he had the opportunity to spend his life: the municipal and regional administrators who shared his political commitment with him, the presence of Unitalsi, a reality that since he was a boy has made it possible to understand what it means to be close to the sick. His patients, who together with Francesco and Pietro are his orphans, and whom he treated as if they were friends. There is also the community of hunters, and many other realities where Tonino has left a mark».

A touching ceremony ended with a long applause that accompanied the exit of the coffin, before Tonino Dessì's last journey towards the cemetery. "Goodbye", the words of the deputy of FdI Deidda after the funeral, "with the promise to never disappoint you".

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