A kiosk-bar transformed into a nightclub on the beach: closure in Quartu .

The Colibrì, on the Quarti coast, ended up in the crosshairs of the controls of the Administrative and Social Police Division of the Cagliari Police Headquarters, together with the Local Police of Quartu.

All public establishments on the Quartu coast are authorized to serve food and drinks with the diffusion of simple background music, bar music. And instead, from Colibrì, disco music was coming at full volume, with around 300 people letting loose to the tunes of three DJs. All this despite the fact that the bar did not have the required usability certifications. Not only that, the administration of alcoholic beverages to some minors was also confirmed.

Hence, in light of other irregularities, the Cagliari Police Commissioner ordered the closure for twenty days.


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