The new accommodation facility in the former Porticciolo prison will be ready by the summer.

The construction site had been stopped because «during the execution of the works the need arose to introduce a change to the original forecasts of the executive project due to unforeseen and unforeseeable circumstances through a variant assessment during construction which has to activities were suspended for four months", they say from the Porto Conte Park. In recent days the interventions have resumed and an inspection was also carried out.

The 561 square meter indoor structure, plus another 800 in the outdoor area, was used in the past as a prison and then became a place for social activity, before ending up completely abandoned. It will become a hostel. The restoration works on the property fall within the scope of the project "Renovation of former prison buildings in the Porto Conte Park, intended for tourist activities and the environmental education network" - POR FESR funding line 2014 - 2020 Action line 6.6.1. for an amount of one million euros.

«Let's move forward with the works and projects envisaged by our management, leaving aside stale controversies and anything else that could have a negative impact on the objectives that we have set for some time for the good of the Porto Conte Park with positive repercussions for the entire territory» , comment the president Raimondo Tilloca and the members of the board Adriano Grossi and Pasqualina Bardino.

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