In Ozieri too many uncultivated and degraded green areas, unlike those that several years ago were given in concession by the Municipality to various citizens who take care of them. Minority municipal councilor Davide Giordano supports it. "An example to follow are some areas of the San Nicola district, granted in concession by the Municipality several years ago and perfectly kept in order", specifies the councilor.

Un'area assegnata dal Comune ai cittadini e tenuta in ordine (foto Tellini)
Un'area assegnata dal Comune ai cittadini e tenuta in ordine (foto Tellini)
Un'area assegnata dal Comune ai cittadini e tenuta in ordine (foto Tellini)

Which he adds in a note: "The Municipal Council of Ozieri (Murgia Administration) unanimously approved, with the support of the "Perspectives" Group of which the current mayor Peralta was the group leader, the municipal regulation for the assignment and management of urban and extra-urban green spaces. A great opportunity to enhance green spaces or uncultivated public areas, encourage activities of social utility, offer opportunities to grow plants, flowers or produce a part of one's daily need for vegetables, in an ecologically and socially sustainable way. Furthermore - continues Giordano - on February 27, 2022, the undersigned presented an interpellation on this issue to the Mayor of Ozieri and the Giunta. Specifically on the actions that the latter intends to implement to implement the regulation. After 105 days of the presentation of the interpellation in the City Council, only silence by the Mayor and the City Council, despite having asked for an answer several times. The undersigned - he concludes - will proceed to send the Prefect of Sassari a formal report in order to evaluate legal and regulatory violations".

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