The battle of the mayor of Olzai Maddalena Agus continues for the general practitioner who has been missing for a year and a half in the town of 780 inhabitants.

The first citizen wrote a letter to the Prefect of Nuoro Luca Rotondi , in which she represents the seriousness of the situation for her citizens, mostly elderly, without health care.

"A year and a half have now passed since the general practitioner is gone - he writes - from that moment the solicitations to Ats, Department of Health, Social Health Conference sent by me have been worth nothing , my citizens continue not to have medical assistance. Others have chosen doctors who operate in Gavoi who with a great sense of duty have decided to take care of particularly critical patients. The night service remains totally uncovered and in my country it has become a luxury not only to get sick but even die ".

In fact, it is very difficult to have a professional in town who can ascertain the death of people: "A few days ago at 2 pm there was the death of a resident and after 118 communicated his incompetence to us, I had to go to the carabinieri. at 7 pm a doctor from the district arrived who has lent himself out of personal courtesy. I ask you to intervene with your good offices to heal an unjust situation for my citizens ", he concludes.

The Prefect immediately responded by involving the regional health department "with a request to activate every possible initiative aimed at mitigating the critical issues highlighted".

(Unioneonline / D)

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