Sold out for the "Carrasegare in Macumere". The capital of Marghine was invaded by thousands of people, who came from all parts of the island, but also from beyond the Tyrrhenian Sea, to watch the parade of the island's traditional masks and two groups arriving from the peninsula. In campers, buses, cars, they occupied all the available spaces, as well as invading the pizzerias, restaurants, bars, even in the surrounding towns, which worked at full speed, in some cases selling out. "Carrasegare in Macumere", now in its tenth edition, has struck again, thanks to the intuition of the Esedra cooperative, the Pro Loco, the cultural association Donna Zenobia (the traditional mask of Macomer), other associations and with the patronage of the Municipality. A great party, a great promotion of the territory.

On Saturday afternoon the main streets of the town, Corso Umberto in particular, were filled with crowds, often uncontainable. Around three hundred participants gave life to an immense show, sending the crowd into raptures. Not only the group of local masks (Donna Zenobia), but above all the guest groups, which represented various areas of Sardinia (Ottana with Boes and Merdules Bezzos), Ula Tirso with Sos Bardianos, Sorgono Is Arestes and s'Urtzu Prestitu, Sestu with the Mustayonis and s'Orku Foresu, Siniscola with Sos Tintinnatos, Teulada with Boinarxiu and su Pastori, Scano Montiferro with S'Ainu Orriadore, Planargia with S'Accabadora Pianalzesa. Then the groups who arrived from the peninsula, such as the Krampus from Naturno (Trentino Alto Adige) and Cucibocca from Montescaglioso, who arrived from Basilicata. The parade then ended in the evening in the large central square Caduti sul Lavoro, where a large zippolata was organized and where people danced until late at night. The organizers are satisfied.

«A success - says Rossana Muroni, of the Esedrache cooperative - which is good for the local economy. However, we need further economic support." The mayor, Riccardo Uda, is satisfied. "First with the reopening of the Costantino cinema, now with the carnival, our town is experiencing a truly positive phase." The carnival will continue in the next few days with other events and with the parade of allegorical floats.

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