Included is one million and 400 thousand euros. The Gal, with the municipalities of Marghine, proceed together with a tender and aim to create tourist and religious itineraries, aimed at enhancing and promoting the naturalistic, cultural, archaeological and agri-food heritage, through the creation of thematic itineraries and paths.

An initiative that encourages the creation and enhancement of environmental, cultural, religious and food and wine itineraries. «An intervention that is part of the rural development program proposed by the Region - says the president of Gal Marghine, Serenella Salis - whose main objective is the creation of a rural territory favorable to nature, quality of life and development sustainable socio-economic. The aim is to carry out all the interventions compatible with the local environment - explains Serenella Salis - with the aim of redeveloping the landscape and the environment".

The call finances investments for the creation of tourist and religious infrastructures, with the aim of increasing and disseminating knowledge of the territory, natural and cultural attractions, usable services and itineraries, to connect more monuments and sites of historical interest, religious, archaeological and environmental. A usable route with practicable paths, equipped areas and marked routes. Then again tourist information and reception centers and networks and investments for themed itineraries.

Gal Marghine has therefore established a new deadline for the tender, with the extension for the submission of applications for support, until 30 June. «An extension to allow the Municipalities to better investigate what will have to be done - says Serenella Salis - and proceed with feasible and development projects, but above all try to economize the financing as much as possible».

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