Extensive anti-poaching activity in the area around Cagliari : from Castadias to Teulada for the coastal area, and also the areas inside and outside the Gutturu Mannu.

The LIPU volunteers, in coordination with the forestry carabinieri of Cagliari and, for some areas, with the WWF Volunteer Guards and the WWF Oasis of the Deer and the Moon, have discovered positions for nets with the aim of capturing small birds, paths for fowling and traps for ungulates, even in new areas compared to those already frequented where poaching is practiced.

Four capture sites were identified in Castiadas , with net stations cleaned shortly before the volunteers passed and ready to capture the passing thrushes.

Reclamations were then carried out in Capoterra , in the Gutturu Mannu Park , along a path for fowling and two other paths for catching ungulates and birds.

Lipu volunteers discovered, thanks to inspections, that the practice also extends to Sulcis Iglesiente : in Carbonia 5 sites were identified for catching birds with nets, and in the Oristano area (3 capture sites found): how much identified, it was reported to the Forestry Carabinieri for subsequent investigation activities.

There is not only poaching in Lipu's activities in Sardinia: this year, in collaboration with the WWF Oasis of the Deer and the Moon, an awareness day was organised, accompanying some young people - who are daily engaged in 'Oasis in work reintegration and nature protection activities - and with them removing traps for catching birds and snares for ungulates.

«We have been able to extend our range of action outside the now well-known poaching areas – says Gigliola Magliocco, coordinator of the Lipu anti-poaching field – Our request to the new regional council is to give a new impetus to the fight against poaching so that this criminal phenomenon is definitively eradicated."

«A round of applause to all the volunteers for the commitment, even onerous and not without pitfalls, that they have carried out in over two weeks of activity – declares the president of Lipu, Alessandro Polinori – The camp has told us that the situation in the Cagliari area is stable, even if in relation to the checks carried out it is decreasing. However , attention will also have to be particularly high for the future, both because in the absence of controls the phenomenon of poaching would rear its head again, and because there are areas where fowling is still carried out with impunity, or almost so."

«There is therefore a need – concludes the president of Lipu – for more incisive countermeasures and the activation of a specialized unit to support the very valid forestry Carabinieri, a unit independent of the territory which combats poaching more effectively with the police and give back to these lands, to their nature, all the respect they deserve."


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