Yellow in Sassari for an alleged serial cat kidnapper . The last one, "Perla", a domestic feline, disappears from the Cappuccini neighborhood on 27 October. The owner, Denise Pirisino, left her free to wander between Villa Pozzo and Viale Mameli, always finding her until, a month ago, she lost track of her. The posts on social media and the notices with which the area is plastered had no effect until a few days ago.

A woman calls Mrs. Pirisino from a number that is untraceable: «She said that she had Perla with a voice that seemed strange and unstable» , reports Maria Vittoria Conconi, LAV activist from Sassari and one of the managers of the city's cat shelters . “He then asked if he could keep the cat.”

When the owner refuses, the woman promises that she will find her, communicating the time and place where she will return her. But he doesn't show up and Mrs. Denise decides to file a complaint with the police. «I recommended it to him», continues Conconi, «also because several cats have disappeared» . The suspicion is that it is the same person.

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