Serena Spalvieri, 30 years old, graduated in Economics and Management from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, undertook a journey from the heart of Ciociaria to Serramanna, to work at the Poste Italiane post office.

Hired as a counter operator - one of 61 new post office hires in Southern Sardinia - Serena is now a financial consultant after just four months.

«I arrived in Sardinia for emotional reasons and I chose Poste Italiane because it represents a large company, a point of reference for our country» explains the 30-year-old. Adding: «People are often friendly and understanding towards me, despite having only been in the role for a few months. We "Ciociari" are very simple, with few prejudices and this certainly leads me to have a good mental openness and elasticity. Here in Serramanna - adds the Post Office employee - and more generally in Sardinia there are very deep-rooted traditions, different from my origins, and it is nice to see how they manage to be preserved over time. Sardinians have a strong attachment to their land, a visceral and inherent love that unites every inhabitant of the island. Sometimes, not knowing that I come from Lazio, customers speak to me in Sardinian. At that point, not having understood, embarrassed, I point out my origin, and their curiosity about my story arises."


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