The workers of the Eurallumina of Portovesme have banners and flags, sirens blaring and trumpets, who this morning set up a garrison in front of Villa Devoto, in Cagliari.

The workers, wearing overalls and helmets, showed up at the representative headquarters of the Sardinian regional council for the demonstration promoted by Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl and Uiltec Uil to ask that the addendum to the protocol be signed by the first half of December of understanding preparatory to the project to relaunch the alumina factory and the resumption of employment of approximately 1500 workers.

Consequently, the acronyms claim, the agreement must be signed for the placement in CIGs for the complex industrial crisis areas of all the personnel involved.

«At present - explain the workers and unions - combined with the numerous postponements which have followed one another on a regular basis during all these years of dispute that have just passed, the Region itself and the current Government have not managed to determine the achievement of any result, if we exclude the Resolution relating to the PAUR and the fundamental release from seizure of a part of the "Processing residue storage site", both results obtained in the month of May this year, well, to date, beyond this, nothing else is been substantially achieved if not waste of time after waste of time if not sporadic declarations of intent".

Objective: a table in Rome to resolve a dispute that has been going on for 15 years. Also to urge the creation of the "gas backbone".


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