A cyclist was seriously injured in an accident that occurred late yesterday evening along the provincial road that connects Arborea to Oristano .

The 65-year-old man, originally from Terralba but resident in Arborea, was traveling on his electric bike and was headed towards Centro Due. At an intersection he was hit by a Citroen C3 , driven by a 36-year-old from Marrubiu who was returning home after a day of work.

The impact was very violent, the cyclist broke the windshield and then ended up on the asphalt. Rescue was immediate, the 65-year-old was transferred from 118 to the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari under code red . At the time of rescue he was conscious, but suffered serious trauma and injuries.

The Carabinieri of Arborea and the Radiomobile section of the Oristano company intervened on site to carry out the investigations. The driver of the car was subjected to an alcohol test and tested negative.

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