The Court of Auditors equalized the Region's budget but did not spare criticism on the management of the 2022 accounts . The cash fund is in fact 2.9 billion euros , much higher than the 2.3 certified at the end of 2021. This means - the magistrates rapporteurs of the parity judgment pointed out today - that «they are also present in 2022, resulting in constant worsening, aspects linked to the difficulty of planning and spending resources , a problem that could have found some justification in the context of the health emergency in 2020 and 2021, but not replicable for the financial year in question".

Another important note concerns the use of state resources intended to compensate for the disadvantages deriving from insularity: Sardinia had 66.5 million for 2021 and 100 million from 2022, and yet - said the Attorney General Tridico in the indictment - there is a lack again "the indication of the specific interventions to be carried out" .

In general, the Court then highlights a series of procedural delays by the Region which, for example, sent the report to the Regional Control Section one month after approval, late and without justification.

Before the equal judgment, the President of the Region Christian Solinas spoke. «The administration tries to pursue the solidity of the budget, we have tried to solve the problem of the deficit, we have undertaken a prudent policy in revenue forecasts , but - he explained - this prudence generates a poor forecasting capacity, and this is largely was determined, as far as expenditure is concerned, by the progress of the regulatory production of the Regional Council". Often, "the administrative machine had to manage regulatory productions arriving at the end of a financial year, this resulted in the impossibility of liquidating the foreseen sums and carrying the residue into the following financial year".

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