There are over 130 artifacts collected by the carabinieri near the Sabor'e Mari restaurant, where the 52-year-old chef Alessio Mededdu , 52 years old, a former competitor of the TV show "Four restaurants", was killed on 28 October: they will be analyzed by the specialists of the Investigations Department scientific and then will end up directly in the future procedural file. For the murder, the baker Angelo Brancasi, 43, confessed, is in prison: he says he killed Madeddu after discovering the extramarital affair that tied him to his wife, an employee of the restaurant.

The evidentiary incident

In recent days, the lawyer of the suspect, Giovanni Fara, and that of the family, Gianfranco Trullu, have been summoned to the headquarters of the Ris in Cagliari, near the San Bartolomeo barracks, to decide whether to appoint consultants from part in sight of the unrepeatable tests to be done on the many artifacts found. Among these also a stick soaked in blood, a kitchen knife and much other material on which there are traces of blood. The recourse to the probative incident is quite common when there is a large number of finds to be examined, so as to avoid that in the future trial there are disputes to be resolved with the appointment of an expert by the judge.

The baker in prison

In the meantime, the 43-year-old baker remains in prison in Uta. The deputy prosecutor Rita Cariello disputes the voluntary murder aggravated by cruelty, due to the various blows to the head inflicted on him. One of these, at least according to the autopsy, may have been the fatal one. On the body, however, were also found wounds inflicted with a blade, probably with a knife. Hence the seizure of some kitchen blades that will be examined in the Ris laboratories. For the moment, the Prosecutor's Office seems to have decided not to contest the premeditation, but the investigations are still ongoing and we will still have to wait for the results of the findings on the seized mobile phones and, above all, on the videos of the cameras that monitored the external courtyard of the restaurant and that they would have resumed part of the aggression.

The reconstruction

According to an initial reconstruction, still summary, Brancasi would have gone to the restaurant in the evening of 28 October to discuss with Alessio Madeddu the relationship that the chef had undertaken with his partner and would have attacked him by killing him. A hatchet was also found next to the body, but according to investigators it was grabbed from the woodshed by the now wounded cook in a desperate attempt to defend himself.

Alessio Madeddu (L'Unione Sarda)


In Teulada, meanwhile, one month after the crime, interrogations and investigations by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit do not stop: the prosecutor Cariello wants to reconstruct the outlines of the process in detail, also looking for evidence or contradictions in the confession made by the suspect a few hours later the murder.

Francesco Pinna

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