Highway 126 was reopened to traffic a few hours ago and had been closed for about 3 weeks for the assembly and laying of the new bridge. For a few hours, in fact, motorists traveling along the state road in the western section of Carbonia cannot help but notice that between the Great Serbariu mine and the first hills of mining tailings, the result of twenty years of extractive activity, there is an infrastructure that connects the two former industrial realities and is passable by pedestrians, cyclists and horses.

This intervention lasted about 20 days, after a prologue in February for the safety and consolidation of the abutments of the new bridge and substantially materialized this morning when the important Carbonia and Sulcis artery was reopened to traffic after twenty days. closing which concerned the section between the roundabout of Is Gallus and Is Maccionis. To remedy the interruption of traffic, a detour had been arranged almost inside the city along the western passing axis. For some hours even this discomfort no longer exists.

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