First they were surrounded, then attacked and robbed in the Marina district, in the heart of Cagliari.

The victims were a boy and a girl of around 30, with the first one reacting and being stabbed between the buttock and the thigh.

It happened in the night between Saturday and Sunday: the couple was walking when they were approached by a group of five or six boys, one of whom had had a brief discussion with them a few minutes earlier.

The herd, after having surrounded them, attacked the two youngsters, taking away their wallets and mobile phones. The 30-year-old tried to resist and was wounded with a knife.

At that point the group lost track of them, before the police arrived. Only one of them was arrested while hunting for other accomplices, even with the help of surveillance cameras that may have captured the whole scene.

The 118 doctors arrived on the spot together with the police cars. The wounded man was treated in hospital, he will be fine in seven days.


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