Endless waiting lists and the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari is in trouble. The cause, according to the company, is to be found in the two-year stop due to Covid: «The waiting lists», Arnas Brotzu says in a note, « are still feeling the effects of the two years of the pandemic , which total blockage of diagnostic and screening services, as well as the lack of specialist figures in the territorial clinical and diagnostic services and in the more peripheral hospitals. This», the press release continues, « because of the well-known problems related to an incorrect turnover of the medical profession , due to the lack of national and regional programming which has distant origins».

The consequence of the blockade, according to the company, is a request for services that "far exceeds the number of those that we are able to provide, in a law of supply and demand that today is totally distorted ".

Nonetheless, Brotzu continues to provide urgent emergency services, even if «the core of its activity», we read, «is mainly dedicated to hospitalization for important pathologies for which Brotzu is a regional reference centre . Outpatient and outpatient diagnostic activity is therefore residual with respect to the mission of high-level assistance, as the organization of the hospital favors hospitalization pathways. However», concludes the note, «Arnas contributes within the regional health service to the provision of specialist outpatient services to respond to the health needs of the population ».


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