" Regional self-sufficiency must not be a chimera , but the goal of a defined path, in which each component of the system must have its own role clear and the task to be carried out equally clear."

It is a strong reminder to the responsibility of everyone, institutions and citizens, that launched by the President of Avis Regionale Sardegna, Vincenzo Dore , on the occasion of the 53rd Annual Assembly, held today in Castelsardo.

In front of a large audience, made up of Avis volunteers from all over Sardinia, and with the participation of the National AVIS Councilor, Salvatore Mandarà, the President of Avis Regionale, Vincenzo Dore, illustrated the data relating to the trend of the donations year 2023, which «confirm our irreplaceable role in the regional blood system».

Specifically, in the past year, total donations in Sardinia were 80,459, of which 56,917 related to collections carried out by Avis . There was an increase, compared to 2022, of 1381 bags : «An increase obtained thanks to the extraordinary commitment of our entire associative network, of the managers of all the Municipal and Provincial Avis, from the daily operation of the associative collection units of Cagliari and Sassari", underlined the President.

Vincenzo Dore then spoke about the great generosity of the Sardinians , the daily work of the Association and the operational difficulties of the transfusion system. «Avis' commitment alone in a complex system like the regional one cannot be sufficient», underlined Dore. Hence the appeal to the Todde Council: «We want to reiterate our willingness to collaborate, present our requests and our projects to address in depth all the problems of the regional blood system».

Sardinia is not self-sufficient in blood collection and is therefore forced to import from other regions of Italy . The regional requirement for 2023, estimated at around 110,000 bags, was covered with over 80,000 bags from Sardinian donors and around 30,000 arriving from other regions.

Among the notable critical issues presented during the year, the President of Avis Regionale recalled the latest in chronological order: «The rigid interpretation of a ministerial decree of November 2023 which blocked the collaboration of specialist doctors with Avis structures , compromising numerous collections in the month of December."


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