Blitz by the Antivivisection League and the Anonymous for the Voiceless group at the Bastione of Cagliari.

The animal rights activists displayed a banner reading “Lassaddu bivi! Let it live!”, with a photo of a lamb, to raise awareness and invite consumers to give up lamb meat during Easter and Easter Monday lunches.
«300 thousand puppies separated from their mothers are slaughtered every year for Easter. They are just puppies, they are born only to be killed and end up torn to pieces on plates", the activists write in a note. Adding: «One in two lambs at Easter comes from Sardinian farms. Puppies not yet weaned without water and food for 30 hours transported from Eastern Europe with journeys of up to 1700 km. One-month-old puppies deprived of freedom and life who are denied even the love of their mother and who bleat in desperation until exhaustion in trucks and slaughterhouses."

«Man's knowledge and awareness have evolved and we know that we can celebrate and eat healthily without imprisoning, torturing and killing other sentient beings. We must also recognize other species' inalienable rights to life, liberty and physical integrity. Two million lambs are considered objects and dismantled every year in Italy. The joy of the celebration comes through the awareness of not having contributed to the killing of a puppy", conclude the animal rights activists.


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