"Any hypothesis of downsizing of the Alghero airport must be avoided".

Cgil, Cisl and Uil are alarmed about the future of the Riviera del Corallo port and are proposing «strong, continuous, cohesive and determined action by the entire territory to promote urgent actions that claim the definitive and concrete recognition of the right to mobility, which directly involve the Italian and European governments».

Massimiliano Muretti, Pierluigi Ledda, Marco Foddai, in a joint note, point out that the Algherese airport serves "a vast territory that has over 350,000 residents , with the presence of a significant system of institutions and businesses", a terminal that should remain " palatable and strategic all year round and not only in the summer months». Instead, just recently, Sogeaal has summoned its employees to announce the hypothesis of layoffs, a measure which, again according to the trade unions, «represents a problem for the whole territory and highlights, unequivocally, the failure of the policy on transport , infrastructure and the reception system ".

Now the challenge will be to remove the barriers to make the North West grow, eliminate the critical issues regarding mobility, including internal mobility, for a territory that needs "the strength and will, the population, the associations, organizations and institutions of the whole territory".

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