The aim is to systematize job supply and demand by activating an additional tool, even before finding a job: specific professional training , suited to the needs of today's market.

This applies to Italians, but above all to the many legal foreigners who through work seek the path to integration with the communities that welcome them.

Sardinia is ready to take up the challenge with the first institutional roundtable on work which brings together, under the direction of the prefect of Cagliari Giuseppe De Matteis, the Region, trade unions and employers' organisations.

The need born from the urgency of integrating into the Island foreigners already in possession of a residence permit and migrants who have been recognized as having the right to international protection , was then extended to all Sardinians looking for employment with the aim to give them a concrete opportunity.

«The central point - explains the regional president of Federalberghi Paolo Manca , who today participated in the first meeting of the table - is to find all those professional skills that are currently missing , introducing new training paths capable of reducing the gap that separates Sardinia precisely on training from other Italian companies , especially in sectors where the demand for work is greatest. I am thinking of tourism, agriculture and sheep farming, but also construction, the tertiary sector and services". « In tourism alone - underlines Manca - the need is 15-20 thousand workers ».

THE ACTIONS – The table then shared the next actions to give a new look to the training courses that will be launched on the island by establishing specific linguistic training for foreigners. Not only that: it is also planned to increase the supply of regular housing , on equal terms with eligible Italian citizens. The humanitarian associations present in the area will be involved in this, starting with Caritas and UNHCR .

At the next meeting, the employers' associations, at the request of the prefect, will bring to the table the data on the real need for workers , the tasks required and the hiring times , while the unions are called to prepare an employment contract model.


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