The rights of all and all for a "Freedom without borders" as this year's motto says.

After the break for Covid Sardinia Pride returns: Sassari will host the three-day event that begins on 30 June and culminates on 2 July with the procession that will cross the historic center and will have three access points also to meet people with disabilities .

The event presented this morning at the Doge's Palace brought together the Sardinian coordination LBGTQ + and the Rights to the Heart network and celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Sardinian Homosexual Movement. The keywords are: respect , love and peace .

Dense billboard for events based on public gardens: a meeting space for everyone with moments of meeting and training, workshops for children and lots of music. Among the artists Claudia Aru with Simone Sassu , the drummer of Litfiba Luca Martelli , the queer performer Casey Spooner .

The Beer Fest collaborates, a festival that protects small craft beer producers.

Three testimonial choices: Francesca Arcadu, from Uildm, the entrepreneur Filomena Costa Morais and the artist Alessandra Garau, who has even received death threats for her art that combines tradition and innovation.

The Pride 2022 anthem was composed by Claudia Aru and Luv! and it's called "For me and for you".

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