Prestigious recognition for the marshal Gianluca Passalacqua, 28 years old, from Sangavina, who in the province of Grosseto in Porto Ercole, city of Caravaggio, received the honorable mention of the Caravaggio prize in the published historical fiction section with the historical novel entitled "The aggression of palace of the management of the Ingurtosu mine - the investigations of the carabinieri", which describes the investigations relating to the robbery of the management of the Ingurtosu mine which occurred in February 1948. A text resulting from meticulous research and studies of historical documents lasting 2 years .

Gianluca Passalacqua is very happy: «For me, participating in this award ceremony was an emotion both because the text was chosen among those of 2 thousand participants and because I was lucky enough to meet writers of great literary importance. I dedicate this event to the young carabiniere Giulio Speranza (silver medal for military valor in memory) to whom the text is dedicated, who fell as a hero in that robbery. His example inspired me in choosing to wear our prestigious uniform. Furthermore, this recognition within the Caravaggio prize was a way to remember his sacrifice 75 years later, making it known also on a national level."

It was way back in 1948 when Giulio Speranza, (originally from Sois, a hamlet of Belluno) to whom the barracks of the San Gavino police station is dedicated, was killed by bandits while trying to foil a robbery. He had only been on duty on the island for a month. Gianluca Passalacqua has known his story since he was a child because his father Sergio has been a lieutenant of the carabinieri station in the Medio Campidano town for years.

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