A device equipped with a software platform capable of launching timely and precisely located alarms to prevent the risks associated with floods. It is the project of Rainapp, the startup financed by Sardegna Ricerche that has patented the system that monitors manholes, canals, underpasses and drains in real time with IoT technologies to stem the problems related to floods.

In concrete terms, explains Sardegna Ricerche, it is "a series of devices to be installed in the urban drainage network - such as the drains, that is the grates placed on the sides of the roads precisely to drain the rain, canals and underpasses - to control the water level. The data obtained, reprocessed by the platform, returns valuable information capable of monitoring the risk of flooding minute by minute and street by street, as well as immediately reporting a dangerous situation, such as a flooded or potentially floodable area ".

In this way, the bodies responsible for safety will be able to act promptly to protect the safety of people and things, optimizing resources and above all reducing intervention times.

“Safety and the ability to respond to an adverse event are determining factors for the well-being and development of an area. This is why the Startup desk devotes great attention to innovative companies with a social vocation ”, underlines Maria Assunta Serra, general manager of Sardegna Ricerche.

With Rainapp, “it will be possible to warn, via the smartphone, anyone who is in an area at risk by signaling the danger and indicating the safest route to get away. Prevention remains fundamental: the devices are also capable of measuring the level of debris that accumulates in the drains and channels, thus indicating the need to clean them ".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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