The street food of Sardinian peasant cuisine is the protagonist of "I Fatti tue", the Raidue broadcast, hosted by Anna Falchi and Salvo Sottile.

The island was represented by the farmer chef Antonio Demontis , of the su Recreu agritourism in Ittiri , which is part of the Terranostra, Campagna Amica circuit of which he is also president for Northern Sardinia.

In the space reserved for street food, the young agrichef presented a typical island dish, sa panada , with a revisited recipe.

«Antonio Demontis - explains Coldiretti - is an emerging farmer chef who relies on local products at km 0 and on a traditional cuisine which, thanks to his inspiration and profound training, he revisits in a modern key.

After graduating from the Alghero hotel school, the young agrichef took over the family agritourism of his parents Piero and Gavina, not forgetting his training through study trips, including abroad, and above all he attended a course at the prestigious university of Gastronomic sciences in Pollenzo thanks to Campagna Amica and he obtained the diploma of agrichef from Terranostra, the association of Coldiretti agritourisms.

On Wednesday morning in the Rai studios next to the presenter Anna Falchi, Demontis prepared the queen of Sardinian street food sa panada, making known to the general public as well as her inspiration, one of the typical dishes of our island. For the farmer cook from Ittiri it was not the first time at Rai, where he made his debut in 2014 together with his mother Gavina in the show La Prova del fuoco».


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